Health and safety policy

Posted on 14 February 2022
Kirsten Manthey


The company values the health and safety of each of its employees. The purpose of this policy is to prevent work related accidents by clearly defining each person's responsibility with regards to health and safety as well as stipulating the safety rules applicable to all individuals entering NML premises.


This policy applies to all New Media Labs Services (Pty) Ltd, hereinafter referred to as "the Company," employees.


Definitions ---
Accident In this context, any work-related incident during which an injury occurred
Fire Marshal An NML employee who received fire marshal training and has been appointed as the current NML Fire Marshal.
First Aider An NML employee who received first aid training and has been appointed as the current NML First Aider.
Visitor Any client, contractor, courier or candidate visiting NML premises for a meeting, delivery or collection.

The person with overall legal responsibility for health and safety is the Chief Executive. However, each employee is responsible for his/her own acts or omissions and the effect that these may have upon the safety of themselves and/or those around them. Below the policy outlines each parties' responsibilities with regards to Health and Safety.

Company responsibilities

Each Head of Department, as representative of the Company is responsible for the following:

Employee responsibilities

Each employee must take responsibility for his/her own health and safety, and must be cognizant of how their actions/omissions affects the health and safety of their colleagues as well as NML visitors.

Safety rules for all employees and visitors


All accidents at work, no matter how trivial, must be reported to the Office Manager and entered in the Accident Book. Employees should not indulge in horseplay, or use materials and equipment other than for their intended use. This kind of behaviour often leads to accidents and injury. Accidents occur due to carelessness, negligence or improper use of equipment. All accidents will be investigated and employees who saw, heard, or in any way witnessed the circumstances or events will be expected to state their knowledge. Accident investigations exist to establish facts and to try to avoid repetition.

Fire procedure

Once the fire alarm sounds, please proceed in the following manner:

If you notice a fire, do the following:

First aid

The duties of the First Aiders are to preserve life until the arrival of a paramedic or qualified medical practitioner, to reassure the patient, and to ensure the speedy removal to hospital by ambulance in the case of a serious accident. The names of designated First Aiders can be found here: insert link.

COVID-19 protocols

If an employee presents with symptoms of COVID-19, they should stay home, follow normal sick leave procedures and contact a healthcare provider. Employees should inform their managers immediately if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Should the Company suspect that an employee may be infected with COVID-19, the Company will instruct the employee to return home and seek medical care. Should the employee ignore such instructions, it will be considered gross insubordination and disciplinary action will be taken as it may affect the safety of other employees.

Adjustments to daily operations

Working from home




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